Friday, August 10, 2012

Save the Snow Leopards!

Welcome Gummybear's!

I'd like to announce that Animal Jam Splat is supporting endangered Snow Leopards! All month, we're going to donate our gems to the conservation museum for Snow Leopards!
We want you to help to! Heres how:

1. Donate a portion of your gems to Snow Leopards at the Conservation Museum.
2. Spread the message around Jamaa by advertising in different worlds!
3. Change your tiger into a Snow Leopard!
4. Attend the: Snow Leopard Party! (More information at: Snow Leopard Party tab.)

So what're you waiting for? Call up a friend! Play some games to win gems and donate them! Do whatever possible! Snow Leopards need us.

Now that we have that topic down, let's get to the new items!

Item: Hanging Vines
Price: 350 Gems
Located At: Jam Mart Furniture

Item: Crystal Table
Price: 1,000 gems
Located At: Epic Wonders

That's all for today! Anyone ever wonder what happened to the Crocodile Statue and facts at the 'Animal Museum'? It's been under construction, but never opened.... Strange.


  1. so how do you donate to the snow leopards??

  2. theres now snow leopards in jamaa dudes you guys should check them out


Keep rude comments to yourself
Do not use bad language

Please note that TheBubblegumFish does not add her fans. (Sorry about that!) I do not mean to be rude in any way.