Sunday, March 10, 2013

Updates, Non-Members + Rares

Hey guys! I'm so sorry about my inactivity, i've been really busy the past couple of days. But since I'm too lazy to catch up on all the past items, I'm just going to do today's.
Today's returning rare is the clover blanket, located in the Hot CoCoa Hut in Mt. Shiveer.

Fairly-priced, if I do say so myself. And finally, a new post on the Jamaa Journal. I don't usually do posts from there, but I was interested in this specific one. 
The new raccoon plushies! ^-^
I'm a huge plushie addict, and I love it whenever a new animal comes out, because that means I get to collect all the new additions! So far I have them all except for three. But I can't complain, I'm happy with what I've got. :)

I've noticed lately that jammers with memberships are becoming more and more hostile toward non-members, making rude remarks like: "Ugh" or "-.-"
It's also come to my attention that there has become a "non-member stereotype."
apparently, non-members are annoying, un-rare, stupid jammers with absolutely no idea whatsoever how to play the game.
Nice. Just nice. 
Just because we choose not to waste our money on meaningless pixels, does not make us "stupid, annoying, and un-rare."
And who cares if a jammer lacks rares? That's not what this website is about! This website was designed for kids to have fun, earn gems, customize their avatars, learn about the world around them, and make new friends. Not to cry like babies over little pixels.
I really wish this would all just go away. 

1 comment:

  1. You know I used to be a huge fan, now I just despise you. "Just because we choose not to waste our money on meaningless pixels..." I'm a member, and your just a jerk. I see that now. Big fan? Not anymore. More like hater, now.


Keep rude comments to yourself
Do not use bad language

Please note that TheBubblegumFish does not add her fans. (Sorry about that!) I do not mean to be rude in any way.