Beta Jammers!

Ok, To start off, I've made a list of beta jammers with the mysterious "Pirate Sword." It's too bad I couldn't get any pictures, darn AJHQ Took off all the beta jammer profile pictures from the "Find A Jammer" feature.
l (Lowercase L)
And now for the following beta jammers, which I luckily was able to snap a screenshot of before they disappeared forever...

Username: hithere
Beta Items: Nm beta hood, Pirate Sword.

Username: hello
Beta Items: Nm armor, nm rhino helmet.

Username: hannahmontana
Beta Items: Nm rhino helmet

Username: Joe
Beta Items: Nm armor, Nm leg armor, Nm beard.

Username: Meow
Beta Items: Nm beta hood, Nm armor, Nm leg armor.

Username: princess
Beta Items: Nm Unicorn Horn

Username: world
Beta Items: Nm Ninja Mask

Username: AnimalJam
Beta Items: Nm Top Hat

Username: frog
Beta Items: Nm Skull Helmet, Nm Purple Wings.

Username: gecko
Beta Items: Nm Antlers, Nm Purple Wings.

Username: Starclan
Beta Items: Nm Leg Armor, Nm Gazelle horns.

Username: jb
Beta Items: Nm Viking Helmet, Nm wings.

Username: Major
Beta Items: Nm Gazelle Horns, Nm Armor, Nm Leg Armor.

Username: wolf
Beta Items: Nm Skull Helmet, Nm Armor.

Username: Cotton
Beta Items: Nm Royal Blanket

Username: Flower
Beta Items: Nm Unicorn Horn, Nm Flower Bracelet.

Username: Its
Beta Items: Nm Mech Angel Helmet

Username: pop
Beta Items: Nm Mech Angel Helmet, Nm Armor, Nm Grass Armor.

Username: CHIMP
Beta Items: Nm Wings, Nm Top Hat.

Sadly, these were the only beta jammer profiles I was able to take before... Y'know. o3o


  1. Woah, Chimp's top hat is so awesome!!!!!!

  2. I played in beta and I wish it was still around. I am chrissaroseb and I had skullies, then I put them on my animal jam then I saw a got 90000 gems and no skullies :,( I am so sad and I also got 80 diamonds witch I got all the animals.i still have an artic hood though. AT LEAST AJHQ CANT TAKE THAT AWAY!!!!!!!!!

  3. you can see hithere if u look him up

  4. someone called "Elana" is beta! go check it out! nm elf armor and nm elf bracelets! :)


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Please note that TheBubblegumFish does not add her fans. (Sorry about that!) I do not mean to be rude in any way.