Rare Trading Alternatives!

As you may have just recently read in my lecture of rares, I was going to make a post about other things BESIDES trading and being a NorthernKing x3
So, without further ado here they are! =3

1. Plan, Create and Host a Party:
Step One: Think about your theme.
What month is it? Are there any special occasions coming up you could celebrate? Is it yours or somebody else's birthday? A helpful way of making a descision would be to write down your options on a scrap piece of paper and cross off the least wanted ideas until you are left with one! (Remember to recycle the paper after! x3)
Step Two: Where will it take place?
Every party is held in a specific place. Or at least, in starts off in a specific place. You'll need to figure out where you want to hold your party. Here are some helpful ideas:
- Try and hold it somewhere that nobody usually goes. It would be something different, and very neat! Some good examples would be the Art Studio, the Coacoa Hut, Sunken Treasures, and many more!
- Places that aren't too small. You'll need a nice and spacious area so everyone can have their own spot.
- Avoid regularly full places like Jamaa Township or Sarepia Forest. Lots of people will be advertising, and some jammers won't be able to get in until the party's over!
- Make is something unique! A random jammer's den or even the mud pit would be a fun place to hang out!
Remember you can also move from place to place, I find parties like that to be super fun and entertaining. But make sure you don't leave anyone behind! If somebody is on BRB, you should probably leave them a jam-a-gram or buddy them if you are a non member so they can know where to go when they return.
Step Three: Choose Your Guests.
This might seem dumb, but advertising in Jamaa Township isn't always the best way. You never know who might show up. Scammers, Party Crashers, Inappropriate Jammers . . . It's better if you send out invites to your closest buddies and friends. Also make note of what kind of party you want. If you want a big, popular full party, then you should probably advertise in Jamaa Township. If you want a private, fun party with nice people and the buddies you trust, send out personalized invites!
Step Four: What will you do?
Hosting a party isn't as simple as advertising then coming back and enjoying other jammers' ideas. You have to know what kind of party it is.
Trading Party?
Dress Up Party?
Disco Party?
It has to have a theme. I strongly recommend that Trading Parties stop, as I am currently trying to organize a stand against rare trading.
Step Five: Advertising.
The final, and maybe most important step. If you don't make your sentence short, catchy or cool, not many people would show up. Remember to include capitals, punctuation, and description. It's also a good idea to alternate your sentences every time the previous one fades. Include detail about the theme, what jammers will be doing, and how great it is! ^^
A good example would be:
"Epic Disco Party at my den! Party of the century! Be there or be a muffin . . ."

A bad example would be:
"Party at my den please come its awesome."

So there, I think I covered all of it.
Oh yes, don't forget to invite me! ^^

I lied, just click the link:

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