Monday, March 11, 2013


Hey guys!
Short update today, just a regular RIM.
Luckily, it's NM, however, it's an underwater only item, and I find that barely anybody goes down there anymore.
The rare ballcap. The colours are unoriginal. Purple has been quite frequent with the RIM's. Oh well. That's Animal Jam now. Pets for Monthly Member Gifts, and new versions of items that nobody likes for RIM's.
To end off, I'll introduce a new segment I'll be doing.... beautiful scenery!

Guess where this screenshot was taken, and you might win a prize!

1 comment:

  1. I guess it's in Coral Canyons! Great blog too! Wish it was more popular! Can you also take away the thing to take away bots? It is always so hard!


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Please note that TheBubblegumFish does not add her fans. (Sorry about that!) I do not mean to be rude in any way.